Valentine Gifts Ideas for Her

From as simple as rose to as complicated as a proposal ring, surprising her with something unpredictable is one heck of a job. Since, no one had ever found out that what a girl expects from a man. And especially on occasions like a Valentine – she tends to raise her expectations to ninth cloud. Don’t let her down by not presenting her anything at all. This day is special and she expects something from you.
Read through some unique ideas to gifting her this Valentine’s day.
Movie night basket
This is something that every girl would love to have. A beautiful decorated wicker basket with her favourite movie DVD. A warm stole to cover her while she watches a movie in the night and a package of popcorns—a perfect valentine’s night gift. Don’t forget to hide a rose under the stole to give it a little more Valentine’s feel. She would definitely appreciate your idea.
A Lampshade
Create a stunning lampshade for her bedside–a little craftiness in you and a little help from a crafter would just go perfectly. Keep the olour scheme of her room in mind, shop for brightly coloured lampshade which matches it and create it in a way, she would love it. A bleach pen can turn that lamp into what you want to make it look like. If you be more creative and flaunt your creative side, she would feel like no less than a princess, who is totally in love with such a charming and creative prince.
Customized Room
For this, you will have to put a little extra effort. I know how can you customize the entire room, but this is not what I meant guys. I mean, you can stun her by customizing each and everything in her room—customized bedsheet, customized cushions, customized quilt cover, customized t-shirt for her, customized mugs, customized phone cover, bag, customized table clothes and so on. Make her room as if, she is the one for you.
A portrait of her
This can be an expensive affair—start saving money from the starting of the month. You might have to hire a portraitist for it. Make it more personalized by adding a pinch of your creativity by adding a few landscapes, her favorite destination, her favorite movie background anything creative would work.Get a portrait made of her, the way you want to see her in your life—traditional, modern, independent. Highlight her best features and attributes.
Accessory basket
If you are not a very creative person and your beloved is a makeup freak, present her a basket full of cosmetics and accessories. Any day, any girl would love to have a basket full of her favorite beauty items—her favorite perfume, favorite lip color, mascara, blusher, liner everything. Wrap it up and let her have her Valentine spent pampering herself.
Jewelery box
An easy going girlfriend would love a box where she can keep all her jewels. Don’t present it empty—a pair of beautiful earrings, bracelets if not bangles, hair clips, key chain, a heart shaped necklace. You can also make all these things personalized. To make her realize, how much you love her—get hers and yours picture engraved on a heart necklace.
Love quotes personalized photos
A personalized album of your best moments spent together. Each photograph carries a love quote. If you have that hidden poet in you, write your quotes yourself—she would be mesmerized, but if you lack that, there are millions of love quotes on Google. Keep her favorite author in mind, maybe she would love to hear something as romantic as her favorite writer or poet for that matter.
Personalized Diary
If you are lucky enough to have a writer spouse, a personalized diary is no less than a diamond ring. She would be no less of words for thanking you for it. Any girl would die to have a boyfriend who recognizes and appreciates her skills. Maybe her next poem is dedicated to you.
#TheBigSecret: When given truly from your heart, even a small gift will impress her.
More than the size of the gift, women see the feeling behind your gift.