How to Make the Woman of your Life Happy?

Do you know why she chose you over all the other potential men she was dating, once upon a time? It’s because she believed in you wholeheartedly. She hoped for a happy and peaceful life with you.
Isn’t it your job to put her happiness above all? Yes, indeed it is! Tell me, you will make her happy even when she got nothing to offer you and I will show you some terrific ways to make it happen.
Assuming that you are planning to make her go wild, here are some amazing ways to make that special woman of your life go insane with happiness.
Remember to appreciate her efforts
I know thanking her for every little thing that she does for you can, sometimes, be unneeded; however, coming to think of it, it sure will take you a long way ahead with her. It’s these little appreciations on regular basis that will content her and create happiness in her life. Women, in general, pay attention to small gestures.
Thank her for not only big favors that she does on you, but, also for little efforts that she puts in to make your life easy on daily basis.
Text her
As I said, it’s all about your daily small gestures towards her that matters. It is a good idea to text her randomly at any time and tell her anything about her that is honest. As, for instance, text her stating that you miss her presence around you, or, perhaps that you were reminded of her for no reasons.
By sending a text to her, she will feel happy as she will be assured that she belongs to you and that you are there for her even when you are not physically around.
Listen to her carefully
You know what will really make her happy? Listen to her attentively. A woman feels incredibly happy if she gets somebody who lends her a patient listening. She feels comfortable being herself when somebody genuinely listens to her conversations. So, be the man who listens well.
She is the woman of your life, treat her like a real man should and listen to her astutely.
Call her by a special name
This particular tip may come across quite foolish, but, believe me; it really will make her happy. Go ahead and give her any particular special name known to just the two of you. It will create a special bond between you and the happiness that she will feel due to it will be incorrigible.
If you already have established a pet name for her then have you called her by that name lately? If not, start doing it immediately!
Hold her hands
I was once traveling in the local train when I happened to eavesdrop an elderly couple’s conversation. The gentleman asked his wife, “why aren’t you knitting today?” and the lady replied, “I just felt like holding your hands, today” I think that was one of the best conversations I have heard so far.
Hold her hands, come what may. Happiness to her is to know that you care and that you are there for her. So, never stop holding her hands.
Actually thinking, it is not very hard to make the woman of your life happy. Considering all the things that she does for you, you have to be a man of different steel to be not able to keep her happy.
Love her and leave no stones unturned to make her happy as she truly is the best thing that’s happen to you and ever will.