Sex Positions For High Sex Drive For Men That Would Satisfy Significant Other

Push the reset button on your sex life. If you’re coupled and stuck in a sexual rut, you’re not alone. While dry spells are a normal part of any relationship, it’s still no consolation for couples experiencing one. “Familiarity is the death of the sex drive,” Here are some ways to improve sexual performance:
1. Focus on foreplay
Some men believe that penetration is the most important, even the defining part of sex.However, many who experience erectile dysfunction may be heartened to learn that they do not need an erection to please their partners. In fact, erectile dysfunction can even be an incentive to try new strategies that work better for their partner.Foreplay can include touching, kissing, and oral sex.
2. Try the start-stop technique
Men who want to last longer during intercourse can try the start-stop technique. To use this technique, stop sexual activity every time ejaculation feels imminent. Breathe deeply and start again slowly, then stop to delay ejaculation for as long as desirable.This method can train the body to hold off ejaculation and help a man to feel more comfortable with not ejaculating, even during intense sexual activity.
3. Educate yourself.
Plenty of good self-help materials are available for every type of sexual issue. Browse the Internet or your local bookstore, pick out a few resources that apply to you, and use them to help you and your partner become better informed about the problem. If talking directly is too difficult, you and your partner can underline passages that you particularly like and show them to each other.
4. Give yourself time
As you age, your sexual responses slow down. You and your partner can improve your chances of success by finding a quiet, comfortable, interruption-free setting for sex. Also, understand that the physical changes in your body mean that you’ll need more time to get aroused and reach orgasm.
5. Manage anxiety and stress
Anxiety and stress can make it hard to get or maintain an erection. These feelings can also distract people from sexual intimacy.
If a man feels anxious about how he will perform sexually, he may feel less excited about sex and less engaged during it.
Strategies for managing anxiety and stress include:
- focusing more on physical sensations than sexual performance
- exercising
- getting more sleep
- working to improve relationships
- meditating
- spending more time on a favorite hobby
- going to therapy
- taking psychiatric medications
6. Quit smoking
Smoking cigarettes can lead to high blood pressure and other heart-related problems that cause erectile issues.
Smoking is also independently linked to erectile dysfunction. A 2015 analysis of 13 studies on smoking and sexual performance found that quitting smoking often improves sexual function and reduces erectile dysfunction.
7. Open communication
Speaking freely can significantly improve sexual experiences.
If issues related to sex have created tension or worry, it is best to bring this up with a partner. Working together on a solution can help a man to feel less isolated and address any concern or guilt.
8. Do Kegel exercises
Both men and women can improve their sexual fitness by exercising their pelvic floor muscles. To do these exercises, tighten the muscle you would use if you were trying to stop urine in midstream. Hold the contraction for two or three seconds, then release. Repeat 10 times.
9. Try to relax
Do something soothing together before having sex, such as playing a game or going out for a nice dinner. Or try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or yoga.