7 compliments that scorns her off

Like those cheesy pickup lines, you draw on any random woman, there are certain compliments for women that can make you go through a minefield. Even though you think they are quite flattering, for a woman your praise can sometimes really piss her off. If you haven’t praised your women with these compliments yet, know it beforehand to save yourself from all the yelling and complaints. Know these common compliments that are actually insulting, lazy and nausea inducing for a woman.
“You are so beauuuuutifull”
It may sound strange but, when you stress too much on how she looks, it pisses her off. Though, most girls like to hear such compliments, but what if you keep on chanting all the time–‘you are too beautiful’ stressing on word ‘beautiful’ every time. Women appreciate men who praises her for what she is instead of reminding her of her beauty. It gives her the idea that you are with her just because she is pretty and you don’t admire her other traits.
“You look like ……Penelope Cruz”
Yes, comparisons are the worst compliments for women. Women never like you to compare her to anyone, no matter even if you compare her to a hot model or an actor. Women are smart enough to understand that when you are really praising her and when you are just making things up. Every individual has its own personality and incase of a woman, she is too possessive about her being unique.
Rather, tell her what makes her different from other women.
“I like your big beautiful eyes”
Like really? Are you complimenting her or telling her you have a problem with your eyes. Girls don’t even consider it as a compliment, because anything “big” on whatever part of her makes her think if that’s okay or not. No, she doesn’t want to hear it and to remind you—You are going wrong way by doing that man!
“Your skills scare me”
Now, is this really a compliment or a sarcasm. If your girl is too smart that her skills scare you, she may find it offending. Telling her that her professionalism makes you think twice, she would rather consider moving on than hanging around with a jerk like you. There is always a decent way to compliment a girl especially when she has a sound professional background. Tell her –“your smart mouth always wins me.”
“You give me sleepless nights”
Are you sure I am not letting you sleep? Such cheesy compliments for women are a big No No. This compliment would have came to her like a tonnes of time so, spare her the horror. You can’t sleep, its your problem—It may give her this thought. She would rather take it wrongly thinking if she is too much of a stress for you, that you are having sleepless nights. What if she offers you the sleeping pills? Save yourself from the embarrassment.
“You are awesome? How come you are still single?”
Still single? As if, you have met her a thousand times. I know you mean it the other way that “even being so beautiful and fun, no one has ever managed to capture your heart.” Well, women take it differently as they take it literally. She may think that you said that because you think she might be difficult to handle or bitchy. Don’t use it again, if you have already missed on so many pretty and single girls. Try something nice and positive, you have to be creative to win a woman’s heart.
“I love that I don’t have to try around you”
Why not? She understands that you feel comfortable around her, but it sounds like you think she’s not worth the effort– be it to plan a romantic date, or to keep yourself clean or taking her out frequently. Rather try this: “I feel comfortable around you.”
Every woman is special and needs to be treated like one. Try not to offend her by your silly compliments. Keeping your lady happy would make you the happiest man on this Earth.